Cynthia Connell Cynthia Connell Travel Expert

Travel comes naturally to me. When I was 18 months old, my mom took me on a six-week journey around England, France, Scotland, and Wales because she wanted to read me Wordsworth in its proper setting. Summer road trips took us from one coast of Canada to the other and back again. A love of adventure and nature was instilled in me from an early age.

Years later, I backpacked around Mexico on my own for 3 weeks and immediately fell in love with the country. That trip inspired other travels around the world but Mexico kept pulling me back so I found a place to volunteer and set out for a 6 month stay in San Cristobal de las Casas, a city nestled in the highlands of Chiapas, 2 hours from the border of Guatemala.

--- "Oh, the places you'll go!" --- Dr Seuss

Six months quickly turned into 5 years when I started working as a tour leader, taking small groups of international travellers around Mexico and Central America.

I eventually hung up my backpack and settled in Vancouver where I continued to work in travel, become a certified translator and explore the world. One of the things that drew me to PTM was the “personal” component. Everyone’s travels are unique and having that connection with someone who is planning your trip is so important. I love being part of this team of travel experts and will be there to listen, research and plan, before, during, and after, your trip. 

My favourite travel experiences?

  • Polar plunges in Antarctica and the Arctic
  • Whale watching in San Ignacio Laguna, Mexico
  • Hot air balloon ride in Turkey
  • Learning to play tejo, Colombia’s national sport. It’s like bowling with gun powder
  • Dinner under the stars in Australia

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Ready to plan your next adventures? Contact me and travel your way!

Contact Cynthia
